Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The "Clean" Diet: Day 9

Today was a mixed bag of nuts.  I finally got tired of the way I was treating my diet when I am in between meals, so I went a little grocery shopping and got some delicious items I can have without breaking the contents of the diet.  And in this discovery, I have been able to appreciate the smaller things in this strict and intense diet.  Here are some of the items I started consuming that make me smile while I type this:

-Turkey Jerky
-Almond Butter
-That's it

And just those two items made me so happy.  Every bite I savored.  When I scooped up the almond butter and devoured every morsel off the spoon, I can feel myself getting to a better state of mind.  It was almost sublime.   

It's interesting how we all adapt to situations.  When things get really tough, we make the best of it, yet, when things are going well, we find, in some cases, search for ways to be miserable.  The simple answer to this paradox is human nature but isn't it disgusting we act like this. 

For example, I vacationed in California for 10 days this past summer and during my time there, I got to visit Orange County.  Now, my mom watches all of the stupid "housewives in name the dumb city" shows and all I ever hear when I pass by the television is whining and moaning how tough things are and how one wives' friend shouldn't eat a salad with the big fork or God forbid, have the same wardrobe in their closet as one of their closest companions.  That would be the end of the world. 

Sorry, I am digressing.  Back to California. When I was walking around in Laguna Beach, I was shocked on how beautiful it was.  Amazing and impossibly built houses on cliff sides with the Pacific Ocean greeting blessed families every morning, wonderful 75 degree weather year round, and food so good that I understand how the obesity epidemic is so high; however,all I hear from these people on the show is how much their life sucks.

When your life is perfect, you find ways to make it imperfect. 

In the documentary "Happy", the filmmakers go around the world studying different cultures to find what makes people happy and in that revelation, who is the happiest culture on the planet?  You want to guess which culture was the happiest? 

The poorest. 

With barely nothing, a culture residing in Africa find themselves to be more than content with their situation by doing simple activities with their families and local community. 

Amazing how that works out. 

I am not saying my happiness can be compared to the honest and admirable happiness people conveyed in the documentary but being able to have those treats made my day.

The other thing that made me happy was the long run.  I was planning on doing a half marathon but decided to do a 10 miler instead.  I would like to do a speed workout tomorrow and knew I couldn't if I stayed with the 13.1 mile trot.  Nevertheless, it felt great because I needed the time to myself.  Work hasn't been so hot lately and today was no different.  I needed to get into my own head for awhile and there is no better way to do that then by running.  I cannot tell you how many times I have want to put a bullet through my brain but after a good, tough run, I end in complete harmony.  I gather clarity over what is bothering me as it also aids in dealing with future situations.  It is beyond therapeutic.  I recommend running to anyone who is physically capable.  There are way too many positives not to. 

The release of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins also helps.

Tomorrow, I plan to do a speed workout.  I am looking forward to it.

Stay Tuned

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