Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The "Clean" Diet Day 2

I am not going to sugar coat this at all.  Today sucked.  I felt sick, even though I knew I wasn't.  So, because I have never experience this feeling before, I talked to a few people who have done this diet before, my mother, sister, and co-worker, Melissa.  I gathered input and found out this is actually a very normal thing.  From finding out this information, I felt better since this represents I am doing something right. 

It still sucked either way.

I was hungry the entire day.  I tried to snack on some nuts in between meals to carry me over but that did not help one bit.  It almost made me moody because all I could think about was the infinite amount of food I couldn't eat. 

Burgers, Pizza, French Fries, Bananas (The diet doesn't permit eating bananas which stinks because I effin love bananas), Pasta, & other delicious foods running through my head all day. 

It became a vicious cycle tempting me in breaking the diet only 36 hours in.  How do people do this?  I have gained so much respect for people who attempt these crazy diets and do it more than a week.  This is hard.  It's more than discipline.  It takes, dare I say...faith. 

Faith in what I am doing is going to work.

Now from that statement, I could go on a diatrobe on how 99.9% of diets are a designed system for you to fail, but that would deter the point of these posts. 

Instead, the visualization of how you will feel, look, and most importantly, be, is what drives us all when we attempt to conquer these strict dietary plans.  The point of victory is wonderfully brillant when everyone who completes such an arduous task remembers the trials and tribulations that go through the journey.  The ups and downs.  The temptations baiting us into doing something we aren't supposed to, yet having the strength to say no. 

That goal is what's driving me...for now because I will completely honest with you, I want to stop.  I just want to yell "Eff it, I don't need to do this. I am in the best shape of life and eat healthier than most.  Why, oh why, am I doing this to myself?" 

However, that would weaken me and I am doing this is to bring my body to another level. 

Polar opposite results....Keep your eye on the prize.

Something I need to do going forward is to have more raw vegetables and fruit to snack on and not rely on trail mix to carry me through the day.  I am only allowed one hard meal a day so I need to attack this smarter and take in as many calories as I can since I am working out and training for a half marathon.


Breakfast: Avocado, Lime & Ginger Smoothie

Lunch: Grilled Chicken over mixed greens, avocado,  and red onions

Dinner: Mango, Flax Seed, and Lime (Delicious by the way)

Snacking: Raw Garlic Clove with an apple as a chaser (try it...without wincing or going into epilectic shock), almonds, cashews, walnuts, and raisins.


I was somewhat lazy today.  I was supposed to do a speed workout but didn't do any running. Instead, I did a T-25 (the new Sean-T videos) workout with Lindsay.  I must say it is pretty tough.  I really hope Lindsay sticks with it.  She is on Day 2 and already feeling beat up.  It's pretty challenging and does a good job to keep you interested and motivated for the next day.  I kind of what to do the Wednesday workout tomorrow but because I was lazy today, I am going to run between 9-11 miles tomorrow and add push-ups, marine sit-ups, and planks to act as my core exercises. 

Tomorrow should be interesting as I have not run that distance since 2 weeks before Ragnar.

Ragnar was on September 27 & 28.

Stay Tuned

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