Thursday, November 7, 2013

The "Clean" Diet Days 17 & 18

I am taking two days off from any type of arduous training to give my body some rest.  The long run on Tuesday took a lot out of me and my left knee has been bothering me for some time.  It's nothing serious but after some hard training, it gets stiff.  I just want to play it safe.  Plus, I have a tough regiment planned for this weekend.

Friday: 6 mile surge run
Saturday: 35 mile bike ride
Sunday: 9-12 mile run

It's the perfect way to enter into  tapering mode.  I have already gained confidence from Tuesday's run.  Now, it is time to build off it.  I am looking forward to next Sunday. 

For the diet, I feel the difference now.  I have felt great the past few days.  I am energetic, alert, and nourished.  The shakes, portion control, eating mostly raw, and discipline has brought my body to a new level.  The addition of Goji Berries (1) has improved my nutrient and mineral consumption.  The feeding with different kinds of nuts have fulfilled my calorie needs (for the most part).  It's a wonderful feeling when you are energetic throughout the day.  No 2:30 feeling.  No sluggishness after eating a meal.  Just fueling my body the way it needs to be fueled.

(1) Per "Goji Berries are grown on vines in the protected valleys of inner Mongolia and Tibet.  These distinctively flavoured red berries are a very rich source of vitamin C, having 500 times more Vitamin C per ounce than oranges and actually more than any other fruit.  They are a superb source of vitamins A, B1,B2, B6 and E and contain a full complement of protein with 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals.  Most of all they are an excellent antioxidant making it an ideal natural whole food for reversing aging and protecting against disease." It is literally an anti-aging human growth hormone.  I have already shared my view on HGH, now I supply you with an all natural PED to improve your life.  I will warn you it is a very expensive fruit since you can only get it from the Himalayas: $22-$28 per pound. 

When you fuel your car, does it run worse or not at all? 

Neither occurs, it operates smoothly. 

Then, why is it so common to feel tired after we eat.  This is not suppose to happen.  Food is our fuel to keep us going, but in today's society, it is the antithesis.  Marketers and business people have even coined a genius phrase to give it a positive spin: Comfort Food.  After you eat a nice piece of fried chicken, you get this warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Feels good doesn't it.  You lie down.  Get comfortable and take a nice nap (my girlfriend nodding in exuberant agreement). That's not suppose to happen!  The body goes haywire trying to figure out what the hell you fed it while trying to utilize and obtain all the minerals and nutrients.  The immune system is triggered to battle anything entering the body over the temperature of 150 degrees.  Then, the digestive system spends hours liquefying the material so the body can use it.  This takes an incredible amount of energy to perform making you feel sleepy and lethargic in the process

In the clean diet, this never happens


And you don't have to do a cleanse diet to achieve this type of digestive harmony.  All you have to do is three things: 

1. Every meal, eat at least 51% raw and 49% cooked. 
2. Portion Control
3. Water-Drink lots of it

That's it.

If you do that for every meal, you will exponentially improve your overall health. 

The crazy thing, it is simpler and easier than you think.  Order a salad with your burger instead of french fries.  Eat an apple and a pear with your ham and cheese sandwich.   Drink water before you delve into your morning coffee.  Small changes will make big improvements over a period of time.  Be patient.  You don't have to do the "Clean" diet to receive this type of enlightenment.  Just understand you are adding quality and longevity to your life.

Stay Tuned

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