Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The "Clean" Diet Day 16

Day 16:

I haven't read the entire book of "Clean" by Dr. Alejandro Hunger, but I have read enough excerpts to understand the goal and process of reaching that goal.  The trials and tribulations.  The ups and downs.  Well, yesterday was the epitome of an up and down.  I felt really good.  Energetic and clean.  I understand that may sound cliche but it is the best adjective I can think of at the moment.  I was able to release a lot of toxins through my bowel movements but was plague by a ridiculously strong headache.  I don't think it was a migraine but it was strong and consistent.  Hunger mentions multiple times experiencing headaches during the 21 day cleanse is normal but don't be alarmed.  Well Doc, it is hard not to be alarmed when I am trying to work effectively with head pains.

The diet may not be the only reason I got a headache.  I have already mentioned multiple times work hasn't been going smoothly, creating a lot of stress in my life in the process.   I also slept on my neck incorrectly causing severe vertebral subluxation (1).  I am not sure what caused this pain in my head, but I am going to go with all three. 

(1) Vertebral Subluxation can be simply defined as your neck and/or spine being slightly or severely out of alignment causing contact with your spinal cord.  Your spinal cord is separated in different sections and each section contains the responsibility of transporting signals to the rest of your body.  Therefore, if the pressure on the spinal cord is severe enough, it can cause an array of problems.  You may not feel it right away but over time, it will deteriorate your immune and nervous system.  If you do have subluxation, go to a licenced chiropractor and get a schedule of adjustments and exercises.  I have seen with my own eyes  people who took medication for arthritis and migraines ended up throwing out their prescribed medicine after their subluxation was reversed.  Subluxation can be caused by a number of items: sleep, sleep posture, posture, and genetics.

So in this bittersweet day, I had a big run planned.  I was worried I may be risking my health by forcing myself running but I had to.  There really wasn't much of a choice because any inclination of getting sick was thrown out the door once I realized I was being a panzee. 

I went out the door with the highest of hopes to return (I was honestly worried I may collapse or something...I can be dramatic sometimes) and finished an 11.85 mile run with flair and exuberance.  And by flair, I mean there was a step in my stride.  I wasn't doing ribbon dancing down Terrace Avenue or doing the Ickey Shuffle...if you were wondering what I meant by flair.

This run became my solace.

My church. 

The release of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins gave me the clarity I needed.  I have required this type of run for awhile but the timing couldn't be anymore then sublime.  With work, diet and the half marathon coming up, it gave me everything I was craving.  The confidence needed to go into the half marathon without worrying about a lack of performance has been obtained.  The concern of the diet affecting my ability to train properly was answered positively.  And the fear of my job in peril became a distance memory as I know I am good at what I do and it would be silly to think otherwise.

A few months ago, I wrote a post supplying a link to The Oatmeal's "The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run" and I was considering writing my own version because there are a few differences between my interpretation of experiences compared to The Oatmeal's.  However, if I were to write a post about the why, this run would be an excellent example. 

All of those items that were plaguing the last two weeks...silenced.  Major, major items in my life were solved with nearly 2 hours of self-masochism. 

I have hinted at my training being lackluster.  I am not hinting anymore.  My training has been near pathetic.  I didn't feel like doing the race anymore but after this run, I feel re-energized and rejuvenated.  (Laughing to myself as I am typing this) It's a little to late to be rejuvenated since the Philadelphia Half Marathon is only a week and a half but better time than any I guess.  It just feels good to have that drive back.

Plus, the best thing, and I mean the BEST thing about the run, my headache went completely away.

Good Day

In a few of my recent posts, I have left inspirational videos,  here is one of my favorites.  I hope this pushes you to the next level in what ever you need to get done.

Stay Tuned

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