Wednesday, December 10, 2014

RACKSMAN...& Friends Ragnar Documentaries

Listed below are a few videos of close friends conquering the Ragnar.  The reason I am posting this is because Ragnar is the only event that I can classify running as fun (1). 

(1) Tough Mudder and Spartan Race aside, all of the Color Runs, Zombie, and Obstacle Course events are people just overpaying to act like a kid.  Yes, they are fun but I do not include that in the running realm.  I could rant on this for awhile but I digress.

Truly fun. 

I will always say running is fulfilling and enjoyable but never declare it as fun. 

Running hurts

Running is tough

Yet, the Ragnar makes all of those things worth it.  You meet a lot of cool people and connect with your friends in a unique matter.  It's a rare experience and I am glad we have people able to do it for the past 4 years.  It has become a tradition and will continue to be one moving on. 

Over those 4 years, we have had over 30 different friends come and compete in the event, which shows you the interest and intrigue this race brings. 

So, I hope you enjoy these videos of our conquests and think about getting into running yourselves.  We are doing the Ragnar Adirondacks next year and we depart on the last weekend in September so be inspired and get out there (2).

(2) Yes, I understand it is snowing right now but Sunday is supposed to be in the high 40s again. 

The first video was produced, edited, and filmed by John Glavasich. This is from 2011


This next one is from our latest adventure.  It was filmed by Kendall Green, Jonathan Lin, Christopher Baron, and Derek Smith.  It was artfully put together by Christopher Baron.  You will notice that the two are entirely different.  One is long and story driven where the latter is a collection of random experiences throughout the event.

I hope you like both.

I hope it inspires you.


If you need more Ragnar, read my accounts from this exact adventure.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Thank you for reading...and watching!

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