Monday, October 28, 2013

The "Clean" Diet: Day 8

Today was uneventful. 

I was thinking about just writing that.  That's it! We are done here! Thanks for reading! 

But, yeah, nothing really exciting to write about today.  I had a good day at work.  I had to wait until noon time to finally eat something since I did the bike trainer workout so late last night but everything went well.  After all of the temptations I experienced this weekend, I found it easier to deal with my hunger.  It is surprisingly taking less and less energy to fend off cravings.  Or maybe it was a good day for helping my stomach shrink. 

This week, I am eager to see if I get some of the side effects author, Alejandro Hunger, discusses in his book.  This week, I am supposed to experience random energy bursts and nightmares.

Yeah, you read that correctly.


I am so happy I starve myself everyday so I can lay down and hang out with Freddy Krueger.

So there's that

For the workout, I said in yesterday's post I was planning on doing a half marathon.  Because of the late workout, I didn't recover the way I imagined I would, so I just did another T25 workout with Lindsay.  It was nice, a good cardio workout, but it is no long run.  I needed one of those random energy bursts to even think about running.

I am semi-happy with my training right now.  As you can read between the lines, I am trying to stay positive.  It is only two weeks away from tapering into the Philadelphia Half Marathon and I am in nowhere near the shape I need to be.  I want to get close to a 6:45 mile pace but would be fortunate if I broke 1:31 (7:30 pace).  I still believe I can get close to that, but it's going to take more discipline.  Every run I do is difficult and always challenging my initial physical prowess, but I haven't been building on each workout to reach a new level.  I would partly blame this on being so adept to triathlon training, where I run 3 times a week max, but my heart isn't into it.  I am looking forward to some time off.  I will still workout from time to time but just to keep in decent shape and not lose my mind.  These seasons are long and I am looking forward to spending some more time with Lindsay, even though the woman works 49335 hours out of the day (slight miscalculation).

However, I signed up for this race and I am not going to do this half-assed.  I have enough time to salvage a good race and can't make any excuses.

Let's Go

Tomorrow will be much more interesting...I promise.

Here is a video that is a lot more interesting than this post.

 I could post an old man watching the grass grow and that would be more interesting than this post.

Please Stay Tuned

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