Sunday, November 25, 2012

Good Times...

Whew... it feels like yesterday when I lasted posted but it has already been 12 days.  Almost two weeks, and no posts. 

This actually leads into the releavancy of blogging. 

Blogging gives me everyone the opportunity to reflect on recent events and document so I  anyone can return to it later if need be (I am acting like this is historic or something).

I am very nostalgic by the way.

But the more pertinent issue is reflection.  We always get so caught in our own lives we miss so much of the little things (insert Ferris Bueller's famous quote)

So let's get caught up on a nice and easy bullet and numbering system (Thank you Bill Gates):

  1. Workouts since my last post: 3 bike trainer workouts (watching some sports and did one while Lindsay and I were watching the show Arrow on the CW [Calling All Dorks]), 4 runs (maximum distance was 6.7 miles), and some various Wii Games (shouldn't count but I am desperate)
  2. Drove to Virginia to visit my family on November 16 to give a lump sump of $4500 to my cousins who are suffering from cancer. Thank you to all that have donated---Thank you cards are quickly to follow
    1. More on this subject in the next post
  3. Thanksgiving Eve: I stayed in and played video games---Yes, I am 26 and I am an adult...the last time I checked
  4. Thanksgiving...Felt a little empty this year and I felt like such doo doo since I ate so much crap (the point of Thanksgiving)
  5. Black Friday:  A Racksman tradition to spend the day with drinking at the oldest pub in Manhattan, McSorley's to celebrate the mass majority of American parents killing each other (literally) for the best prices for stuff you are going to give your kids, siblings, friends, and signifcant others that they are probably aren't going to use or like after two weeks.
    1. The drinking at McSorley's, a festive shit show thrown with the ugliest rendition of God Bless America (See my facebook page) and due to the excessive amount of drinking (12 beers in 3.5 hours time approx.) I had a severe, mid day, wide awake hang over (So much fun)

All and all, a fun filled day...I am the one on the left by the way

So, to leave everyone on a good note... I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and have fun getting back to the ole grind.

Talk to you soon and on much shorter notice.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Closing Time

In my previous post, I whined and complained about my body slowly decaying (even though I am in great shape) leading to a knee injury when I played some flag football with friends.  I thought I would be out for a week due to the immense pain I was in on Sunday night, but tonight I couldn't help myself.

When you workout for so many years, your body and mind can go into a lull during a break, even though it's a small break.  It's been three days since the injury and already I feel restless, groggy, and down.  Not in a depressing matter, but my perception of things becomes altered in a negative sense. 

Therefore, a good workout is in need.

So tonight, I put the bike on the trainer and watched Thunder vs. Grizzlies (NBA... just so we're clear), worked out for 2 hours and I feel really good right now.  I will probably not get to sleep until around 1, which anounts to 5 hours of sleep, but I guarantee you, I will be more lively than I have been the previous three days.  Now, keep in mind, I have been getting at least 8 hours of sleep the previous few days. 

All of the endorphins, sense of accomplishment, and adrenaline creates a better me (sorry, that was lame) complete me (I suck at this).  You get where I am going. 

Ask any hardworking ahtlete trying to better themselves in their respective sport and they will tell you that they are more alert, active, and lively when they workout consistently (and intelligently, that's an important note), even if sleep is lost (which it will just comes with the territory).

I understand it sounds crazy when I tell everyone this but it is the truth.  I still even don't fully comprehend it, but I follow the pattern.

The point I am trying to get  to is I hear some many people make up excuses to not workout, that they don't have the time or too much to do.  I am hear to tell you, you do have the time.  Sleep can be compromised if you use your time wisely.  There is a reason people workout continually: you feel so effin good afterwards.

Just try it. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nobody Beats Father Time

As some of you may know, I started this website to spread the Tri For Life Foundation brand.  A program to raise money for multiple charities, communities, and those close to me in need.  I also use blogging as a vehicle to promote future sponsors, races, and any other triathlon based experiences to illustrate the hard work and dedication that every triathlete goes through.  What most of you don't know is, I using this a catalyst to motivate myself.  To get to me to the next level.  I am working towards becoming a part time professional athlete.  With that, I have learn a few things, especially since I am doing most of this on the fly (numerous errors has already occurred).

Today, I was planning on throwing the frisbee with a few friends and then watch football at a local bar.  However, when I arrived to the high school field, a few of friends were playing flag football, which led me to a change of plans.

And before I continue, this has to be stated.  I am retardedly competitve.  It's almost pathological.  Compare me to Michael Jordan in that respect.  I hate losing and will do anything (in the confines of the rules) to win at whatever I am playing.  It could be the Super Bowl or Monopoly, I play to to be the victor. 

It makes sense I want to become a part time professional triathlete.

Anyway, during the football game I had (I really didn't have to, I am just retardedly competitive... if I didn't cover that) to drive for multiple tackles and catches trying to put my team in the best position to win (the game ended in a tie by the way... figures).  The problem is I dive the same way every time.  I don't know any better.  I land on my effin right knee every single effin time.  After the third time, my knee had enough.  I could barely walk without a limp.  I never had this problem before but this is becoming a concerning trend.  I am getting older and I can't do these type of things anymore.  I always put my body to try and make the big play.  My nickname in basketball was the human mop for Christ's sake, but I can't put my body through this anymore .  One, I can't take the pounding like I used to (phrasing) and two and most importantly, I have to be smarter than this.  I am planning on building a foundation and part time career on a perfomance base system. 

I still want to compete and engage in friendly competition (who am I kidding) but I have to be smarter. Nobody beats father time and I am learning like everyone else does... When your body fails you. 

Baz Luhrmann once said "You don't know the power of your youth until they have faded."  Well Baz, I can't stand how right you are.  That doesn't mean, I can't learn how to extend the power of my youth.  I will be out for a week due to this injury.  I can't find a better place to start to learn from this. 

Too much is at stake.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Need the release...

Since Hurricane Sandy hit on Monday night, it was been crazy to say the least.  Actually, using the word crazy to describe the frenzied pace I have been living this past week and a half is disrespectful to the realm of chaos. 

When I returned to work on Wednesday, I have not stopped.  The least amount of hours I have worked in day since that time is 9 hours.  No exaggeration.  And the max is 16.  

As anyone can imagine, I am exhausted.  All I want to do is sleep.  Nothing else.  But as any devoted runner, cyclist, triathlete, or any dedicated athlete will tell you, working out is a must.  The endorphins become such a need on a regular basis, but in extremely stressful times, you need it to free your. I know that sounds hippish (if that's word) but hear me out.  Working, family, and factors that are outside of your control become a burden and can weigh you down.  Many find other outlets to get away from it all.  Whatever method one uses is to get through the next day.  For me, I need it to thrive.  

Working out becomes a double edge positive sword: On one end, you want to stay shape and the other, you need it for sanity.  The latter is more pertinent.  I would come home some days with a splitting headache and then I would put the bike on the trainer or go for a run and feel superb afterwards.  It helped me relax so I could start the cycle all over again.  It's been so time stressed, I started using Wii Fit to get a half decent workout in. 

Today, I got off at four.  So I am going to take a nap, go for a run, then put the bike on the trainer.  Translation:  It's been a long week and I am working this weekend.